Virtual product demonstration.

Web-based product demonstrations are flexible, time and cost efficient. We will be happy to explain the process and arrange a demonstration date for you. Simply contact our sales team.


Finishing First. Product Launch.

In order to show the efficient processing of short and medium runs up to book of one production, the first machines of the iCE series were presented – connected with the cloud-based service iCE LiNK.



US printing expert Deborah Corn and the company have published the video "Thank a printer" to show what printers are accomplishing in the Corona crisis.


Børge Møller Grafisk.

"Vi siger ikke, vi er bedst – vi har bare ikke mødt nogen, der er bedre." Ordene kommer med et lunt glimt i øjet fra Børge Møller i forbindelse med spørgs­målet om, hvordan det går i trykkeriet.